Monday, January 30, 2012

D1 - D5

Here are the first 5 block in row D. It may be a while before I post any more as we are moving house in 2 weeks and I have mountains of boxes to pack. However, my needlework box will be the last to be packed and the first to be opened!!!!

D-1 Alison's Guiding Light

D-2 Mouse in a Mirror

D-3 Jason's Jacks

D-4 Crystal Star

D-5 Cathedral Window

Monday, January 23, 2012

C-13 Lakota Sioux

C-13 Lakota Sioux

Here is the last of row C. I have now joined them all together and have done a few blocks for row D.

C-8 to C-12 at last!!

Well after a month at the beach I am finally home again :-(
Now I am able to post my photos on to the blog :-)
Here are the first lot I completed while on holidays!!!

C-8 Hani's Crown

C-9 Jane's Tears

C-10 Patriot's Lantern

C-11 Soldiers and Sailors Monument

C-12 Family Reunion

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Having trouble putting photos on as am using iPad. Sad aaa I have just completed row C and am busy joining them all together!!! Will keep trying!